Privacy Policy

Last revised 25OCT2023

Bottom line up front - We, Hillwood Park, will do our level best to avoid collecting, retaining, communicating, or using any of your data other than as strictly necessary for the operation and improvement of this application.

We will routinely review, and will sometimes share, large scale aggregated and anonymized data, which we will aggregate and anonymize at sufficent scale and sufficiently coarse grain as to ensure that no specific individual, device, or private residential property can be identified by any data analytics practice currently known to us. For example, under this policy we may publish or share a short list of the most popular road trip destinations, but could NOT share a comprehensive list of road trip destinations.

We will routinely use road trip content and and other data provided to us for generally improving our functional systems, content, and algorithms. We will also manually review some specific road trips, as well as the specific parameters that you provided to generate them, where necessary to improve the functional quality of our systems. When we do manually review data, we will attempt to do so as anonymously as practical, but the content of some road trips (e.g. your specific residential address) may make it impossible for you to remain completely anonymous in all cases.

We store various information provided by you so that this app can respond appropriately, and we pass this information to Google, OpenAI, and other service providers where necessary.

Where we provide a link to a web site, regardless of whether we have a formal business relationship with the linked site, we may pass source (e.g. utm_source) and click id (e.g. gclid) parameters to the linked site.

Whenever we refer you to a partner, affiliate, or other third party with whom we have a business relationship, we will disclose the nature of that relationship to you. For example, we may indentify ads or other links for which we may receive compensation as "Sponsored Links", "Advertisements", or similar.

We may temporarily log server access for diagnostic and administrative purposes and may review those logs periodically. We will generally retain those logs for the shortest duration that is reasonable and prudent under applicable regulation, our service providers' default or recommended log retention configuration, or other widely accepted industry practice.

We may collect and use information about your location when you use our services, which helps us better customize generated content, ads that we present, and affiliates that we recommend. We will typically determine your location using IP address information and locations that you provide to us explicity. Some third party services that we use (e.g. Google Maps and OpenAI) may collect, store, and use information about your location as well.

While we will typically choose to legally challenge government requests for information in the interest of privacy, we will comply with lawful subpeonas, and may choose to cooperate with law enforcement where it is both legal and prudent to do so in our discretion.

We are currently using the Google Maps API, and the Google Privacy Policy is therefore incorporated by reference.

We also use OpenAI for creating road trip plans, so you may want to review OpenAI's Privacy Policy.

We are likely to revise this privacy policy from time to time.