Email alerts are completely optional, human-curated, and manually-reviewed notifications of events and activities happening near your chosen road trip stop locations, only on the dates you actually plan to be there.
We won't send them to you unless you explicitly opt-in on a per-stop basis...but sure we're REALLY betting you'll like them, if you do! If you list some interests in your Profile, we'll also take those into account when we're searching for events and activities for you. Because email alerts are manually reviewed by our team, they are primarily a Premium plan feature, but we also offer them on Standard plans whenever we have the capacity to do so - look for the Alert signup action in the recommendation bubbles that follow your stop descriptions.
We dislike unwanted "spam" email as much as anyone. Probably more. Actually? Almost CERTAINLY more...which is why our email alerts are human-curated, manually reviewed, and prioritized for folks with Premium accounts.